Monday, August 29, 2011


NEED I SAY ANYTHING?!?!? One of the dopest collab performance I've ever seen.. The relationship between these two dudes are like the older bro and younger bro.  After everything Kanye has gone through ,  from losing his mom to that incident with Taylor,  he has grown to be the dude we know he is now.  He's got a strong quote that I love from him and he says "Everything I'm not made me everything I am"  Thinking about that can mean soo much.  It has a big impact if you know the message.  Think about everything you're not and you'll know everything you are.


btw congrats to JAY and Beyonce!

"he don't even have to write rhymes a dynasty like my money last 3 lifetimes"
-Jay-Z Diamonds are Forever

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