Tuesday, October 12, 2010


AND I MEAN ALLL TIME!!!!!.. Alright ladies and gents i came across this little F/F (fun fact) that i think everyone should know. When you first read the title who did you think about?? Jordan?? A-rod?? Beckham?!?!? Remember it said ALL TIME!! So just by saying that you can guess its none of the above.. It's actually some dude from way back in ancient times.  His name is Gaius Appuleius Diocles.  If you're thinking to yourself and wtf?!?!? don't trip i did the same thing.  He was a chariot driver back in Ancient Rome in the 2nd century.  The dude earned 35,863,120 sesterces which in today's market it about 15 billion dollars.  Wanna see the zeros??? $15,000,000,000..... damn if the dude was alive today with all that money I'm sure he would have all these "highest paid players" from our time in his backyard giving him grapes and wearing nothing but a damn loincloth lol.. nonetheless this dude definitely lived the highlife.

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