Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I just have that certain lust for life...

I'm sure you guys/girls have seen me post this pic up before on my facebook.  You guys have to realize its stuff like this that should get us all to want bigger and better.  To me its not to say that "I'm better than anyone" but its nice to know you worked your ass off to be at a place where you can sit back chill and relax looking up and just thinking to yourself "daaaaaamn.... this is a badass place."  lol  and bullshit aside we all know we have those certain items that we worked our ass for and look at it and just kinda gasp and can't believe we have it.  Money is shit to me for those of you guys that don't know.  It always comes and goes so quit stressing.  The thing I cherish the most are those items that are just priceless to me.  I'm getting off topic but nonetheless.. we should all live in a place that we can be proud of.... Peace and Love

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