Monday, October 11, 2010


Alright so in one of my earlier posts i got to mention this dude that made a brand names 'JOHNNY CUPCAKES'... not gonna lie this dude is pretty amazing and so is his story.  Here is something he said.. short summary but perfect nonetheless... 

"Customers like and appreciate the story and work ethic behind my brand. I started this as a joke from the trunk of my beat up '89 Toyota Camry. A college drop out with a drug and alcohol-free lifestyle, I never wasted my time going out and partying but instead focused only on brainstorming and sketching up my wacky ideas. I turned down investors and took countless risks like keeping my shirts out of chain stores."

BusinessWeek voted him America's #1 Entrepreneur in '08 so you know this dude is legit.. i personally have been to his LA store and its pretty amazing with the way he was everything laid out for you. You honestly feel like you're in a cartoon bake shop! 

Sooooooo doooooooope and creative..  I really recommend you guys/girls going to his thing at CSUF.  It wont cost you a dime but i would take money to check out his shirts couse i know you will definitely want one. If not you can always go to his shop, BUT YOU NEED TO TAKE ME WITH YOU =]


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